
Is your vehicle spying on you?

A report by the U.S government Accountability office (GAO) has exposed manufactures that offer vehicles with developed in location-based such as sat-nav, have been collecting data about drivers’ whereabouts as well as sharing that info with third celebration business without disclosing the function for doing so.
Location based services depend on data collection in buy to supply consumers with turn-by-turn directions as well as updated web traffic information.
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However, the report was brought out by the GAO amid fears that the growing number of place based services used in vehicles ‘can be utilized to track where consumers are, which can in turn be utilized to take their identity, stalk them, or screen them without their knowledge.’
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GAO published the post on Monday, which phone calls into the concern drivers’ privacy as well as specifies that ‘data may be collected or shared for functions that the consumer is not expecting or may not have agreed to’.
GAO likewise uncovered that even though makers enable the consumer manage over a few of the data collected, not all permit that data to be deleted or destroyed – something which the GAO declares to be a ‘recommended practice’. The report likewise exposed ‘there is large variation in exactly how long business maintain vehicle-specific or personally identifiable place data.’
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